

Persistent aches and pains or repetitive injuries that are difficult to heal can be a sign of suboptimal nutrition.

When recovering from an injury it’s important to get the right nutrition to help lower the amount of inflammation in the body and allow the tissues to heal well in a way that’s resilient to re-injury.

It can be hard to get the right amount of vitamins from a healthy diet alone, which is why it’s helpful to supplement.

We’re glad to be able to offer a select few supplements that can assist your body’s healing and compliment your chiropractic care.

The supplements

  • Vitamin D3 + K2 supplement to purchase from Highcliffe Chiropractic Clinic

    Vitamin D3 + k2

  • Multi vitamin available to purchase at Highcliffe Chiropractic

    Essential Multi Vitamin

  • Magnesium Citrate available to purchase at Highcliffe Chiropractic

    Magnesium Citrate+